How Serious is an Impacted Tooth

An impacted tooth is not necessarily considered a dental emergency unless you experience symptoms associated with it. An impacted tooth is a tooth that does not emerge fully through the gum tissue instead, remains embedded within the jawbone and/or gums. Symptoms that a patient may experience include redness and swelling in the area, discomfort in the jaw, headaches or earaches, or bad breath that does not resolve with oral hygiene.

Is an impacted tooth serious?

Though an impacted tooth may not constitute an emergency, it can cause problems that may require treatment. Even though an impacted tooth is below the gum line, the tooth can still develop dental decay which can spread to teeth neighboring the impaction site. In the event that an impacted tooth becomes infected, a cyst or abscess can form and cause severe pain.

An impacted tooth can also push on neighboring teeth if there is not enough room for them to erupt. The wisdom teeth naturally develop sideways, perpendicular to the rest of our teeth so if they do not have enough room to rotate and erupt through the gum, it can potentially cause a lot of problems in the future.

It is easy for your dentist to diagnose an impacted tooth with an oral exam and a dental x-ray. If you experience any symptoms that may indicate an impacted tooth, it is important to see your dentist as soon as possible. Open impacted tooth becomes infected, the infection can spread into the sinus cavity or the circulatory system which can lead to heart disease and even brain damage.

How is an impacted tooth treated?

It is unlikely that an impacted tooth will come as a surprise if you visit your dentist regularly and have dental x-rays as needed. As we grow and lose our baby teeth, the adult teeth push through and this is when an impacted tooth will likely be diagnosed. An impacted tooth will not always exhibit symptoms and may not be necessary to remove but it is important to have your teeth checked regularly especially with an infected tooth.

The most common treatment for an impacted tooth is extraction, which is especially true for wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are often extracted in young adulthood, particularly before orthodontic treatment. This allows the orthodontist the necessary room to straighten the patient's teeth and ensure a healthy smile!

The easiest way to maintain a healthy smile is through good oral hygiene but an impacted tooth cannot be accessed so no matter how much you floss, an impacted tooth can only be addressed except by your dentist. It is important to see your dentist at least twice a year for a routine cleaning and check up and to have x-rays taken at least once a year.

If You Dont Remove Impacted Teeth