What are Zirconia Crowns?

Crowns are a synthetic material which are molded and attached to a broken, or decayed tooth. Zirconia is a material which is incredibly durable and biocompatible. Zirconia Crowns are some of those most durable, aesthetically appealing, and commonly used crowns in modern dentistry.

Dental Crowns

Crowns have been used since the Etruscans. In the Philippines, bodies have been found from 4000 years ago with gold teeth. Gold was a common choice for capping teeth and molding crowns for years. More recently, porcelain has been a common choice for crowns, because it has a enamel, and toothlike appearance. Porcelain has a tendency to break and chip, which makes it an unideal choice for your teeth, because you probably wanted a crown or cap on a chipped tooth originally.


Zirconia is an oxide formed from Zircon. It can be found in the natural form in the mineral baddeleyite. It can also chemically be derived from Zircon. Zirconia has been commonly used to create synthetic gemstones, prosthetics, and Dental Implants. When used in Dental implants, Zirconia is prized for several qualities

  • Durability- Zirconia is immensely strong when used at proper thickness in Implants and Crowns.
  • Biocompatibility- Zirconia is naturally occurring and poses no threat to your body. It has no metallic properties which can be leeched into your body. For this reason it is also a tool used in Holistic Dentistry.
  • Appearance- Zirconia has a natural toothlike appearance. It can be semi translucent, and is slightly noticeable in direct light. Zirconia can also easily be layered with porcelain to match teeth shades and appearance. Zirconia crowns have no unsightly metal or noticeable marks unless under close scrutiny.
  • Ease of Use- Zirconia crowns can often be fitted, shaped, and bonded in the same appointment. Because Zirconia is so commonly used, Dentists are familiar with the material and work well with it.

What are the downsides of Zirconia Crowns?

Zirconia can be too strong. Because of its durability, if the implant is not shaped correctly it could interact poorly with your jaw and natural chewing ergonomics. Once you have talked to your dentist about a crown, make your you keep open contact to discuss the health of your implant. Early communication of any complications or problems is the quickest way to remedy them.

Hygiene with Zirconia Crowns

Your dental hygiene has implications in your mental, cardiovascular, and overall health. Making it a priority is a strong sign of a healthy life. Caring for a crown should be very similar to caring for your natural teeth. Keep on track for any noticeable decay or damage to the crown, or any teeth, to consult with your dentist. Brush and floss twice a day, preferably after meals. Use mouthwash and change your brush heads regularly. Developing a routine will help to keep accountability and regularity for following your dental hygiene. Maintain regular visits with your dentist for cleanings, checkups, and any follow up on your crown or implant.

Is Zirconia the right choice for your Dental Crown?

Zirconia may be the right choice if you want a crown that is strong, toothlike, and biocompatible. If these are important considerations in your choice, consult with your Dentist about what options are available to you.

Advantages of Zirconia Crowns